Children & Adolescent Evaluations
Children & Adolescent Evaluations

At Liv Associates, we provide expert evaluations of children and adolescents for the purpose of identifying a variety of learning-related problems along with recommending interventions and accommodations. If children and/or adolescence are having difficulty at home or school with learning-based activities, they may benefit from further assessment to analyze strengths and weaknesses in order to develop more effective learning strategies.  We use up-to-date, standard measures to develop a detailed learning profile in order to better understand how your child learns best and processes information compared to other same-aged children.  


If you’ve noticed that your child is finding school a challenge, or still has difficulty completing tasks which others of their age have mastered years ago, it could be the case that they are suffering from some form of learning disability. A learning disability need not be a reflection of intelligence (many children with a diagnosed learning disability are of average or even high intelligence), rather, it may relate to difficulty with one or more areas of learning.


Sometimes, the first step in helping your child means learning more about his or her strengths and weaknesses, which is often best done through formal evaluation. At Liv Associates, the primary goal when completing an evaluation is to provide you, your family, and your child's school, if desired, with individualized information and recommendations to help him or her learn and function more efficiently.


Although each evaluation is individualized to each child’s specific needs, the formal evaluation process at Liv Associates begins with an initial consultation appointment with parents and a psychologist so that we can gather pertinent information regarding your concerns and learn about the specific answers you may be looking for (i.e. “Does my child have ADHD?” or “Does my child have a learning disorder?”). 



In preparation for this consultation appointment, you may be asked to complete a thorough developmental history questionnaire, which will provide valuable information about your child related to family history, medical history, developmental history, mental health history, social history, and educational history. Additionally, you will be asked to provide all relevant educational documents and/or previous evaluations. During the initial consultation, you will partake in a structured psycho-social interview with the psychologist to review and expand upon the developmental history questionnaire. At the conclusion of the consultation, you and the psychologist together will determine an appropriate course of action that best meets your child’s needs.


Liv Associates offers a variety of evaluations that assess different domains of functioning; you may specifically know what type of evaluation you are looking for, and other times, the psychologist may offer recommendations based on the presenting concern(s), educational history, and past evaluations (i.e. your child may have recently undergone an evaluation through the school district in which case, we would not want to replicate similar measures). Moreover, there may be times when you have specific questions about recent evaluations completed by other professionals or your local school district; the initial consultation can serve as an opportunity to review such evaluations in order to determine if additional testing/evaluation is truly necessary.



After the initial consultation, the psychologist works with you in order to create an individualized battery of assessments that will ultimately answer your referral question and lead to a better understanding of your child’s competencies as well as weaknesses.   Depending on your child’s needs, the battery of tests may include cognitive and intellectual assessment, academic achievement assessment, assessment of attention and concentration, social-emotional screening, and relevant neuropsychological measures.

At times, the psychologist may wish to observe your child in a more natural setting such as the school/classroom in order to gather information about his or her functioning amongst peers and adults (i.e. ideally, this would occur prior to any formal assessments).


At Liv Associates, our psychologists complete evaluations in a quiet, controlled environment.  Formal testing may require several 2-3 hour sessions.  For teenagers and adolescence, structured interviews will also be conducted to gain introspective insight.  After all testing is completed, the psychologist will review the results with you during a feedback session inclusive of providing specific home-based and school-based recommendations so that your child can reach his or her true potential.  A comprehensive and integrated written report will be provided to you after the feedback session as well.


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